January 20, 2012

NIH Grant Proposals: Hard Copies No Longer Needed for Review by SPO

As of January 23, 2012, the Sponsored Projects Office will begin reviewing National Institutes of Health grant applications submitted via Grants.gov in electronic format only. Departments will no longer need to provide SPO with an additional hard copy of their NIH grant application for review as of this date. This policy will apply to NIH grant proposals only. It will not apply to any other type of Grants.gov submissions at this time. Note: This revised procedure only applies to NIH grant proposals.

  1. Complete the NIH grant application in the Grants.gov format.
  2. Upload the NIH Grants.gov application to the SPO Electronic Drop Box. Guidance on this step can be found at: https://coeus.berkeley.edu/dropbox/.
  3. Concurrent with uploading the NIH Grants.gov application to SPO, email the following items as one PDF document to spoeproposal@berkeley.edu.
    1. Completed and signed Proposal Review Form (PRF)
    2. Letters of support from any named consultants and/or collaborators (not already included in proposal)
    3. Completed and signed federal conflict of interest disclosure forms*
    4. Any other required documents as needed, e.g., letters confirming cost sharing commitments, sub-recipient commitment forms, etc.
*For SBIR and STTR proposals only, signed 700-U forms must still be submitted to SPO in hard copy form per State requirements.


To avoid problems and ensure a timely review of your NIH grant application, it is important that you upload the Grants.gov application to the SPO Electronic Drop Box at the same time you email the rest of the required information listed above as a PDF document to spoeproposal@berkeley.edu.

Remember that steps 1-3 above must be completed five working days before the submission deadline for the proposal to be considered “on time.”

Please note: The proposal will not be logged in or considered received by SPO until steps 1-3 have been completed. Attachments that do not include a completed and signed PRF and all required attachments will not be accepted by SPO.

Late proposals must follow the VCRO’s procedures for late proposal exceptions.

This guidance is also posted on the SPO web site: Special Instructions for NIH Grant Proposals.