Beginning December 1, 2008, a new certification form will need to be submitted to SPO with Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) PHS 416-1 grant applications, PHS 416-9 progress reports, and post-award prior approval requests for individual fellowships.
On October 14, 2008, NIH announced a change regarding the signatures of the applicant (individual fellow) and sponsor(s) as a part of PHS 416-1 grant applications, certain post-submission information, PHS 416-9 progress reports, and post-award prior approval requests. The change requires each institution to secure and retain the individual fellow and sponsor(s) signatures as part of the institutional review/approval process. This change in business process for individual fellowships now brings them in line with the similar business process change for principal investigators instituted in 2006.
This business process change applies to all competing applications prepared using the PHS 416-1 application for submission/receipt dates in December 2008 and thereafter. The change will apply to all progress reports for continuation support submitted for submission/receipt dates of December 1, 2008 and thereafter.
To meet the requirement, the Sponsored Projects Office has developed a new form, the “NIH NSRA Fellowship Assurance Certification Form.” The form must be submitted to SPO with NIH PHS 416 fellowship applications, progress reports, and prior approval requests beginning December 1, 2008. The form is available at
The NIH Guide announcement of this change and other changes to PHS 416 are available at
Please contact the SPO research administrator assigned to your department with any questions.