As part of a business process analysis project conducted by the Sponsored Projects Office last year, SPO implemented new business processes for subawards. SPO developed status definitions to track the process of subawards. These status definitions are now entered in Coeus, and the SPO Notice of Award was redesigned to show subawards by status with each distribution from SPO. In an effort to make this detailed information more widely available, the Research Administration and Compliance Office is pleased to offer a new report on Coeus Web that provides current information on the status of subawards. Principal investigators can query subawards on their own grants and contracts, and department administrators can query subawards for the department.
The new report is available at A description of the report and a list of status definitions is available at If you do not currently have a Coeus Web account and would like to request one, please contact Neil Maxwell at Please note that faculty members will have individual accounts; departmental accounts are shared.