Berkeley eProtocol is a user-friendly, online system for submitting, tracking, reviewing, and approving CPHS human subject research protocols. After a successful pilot testing phase CPHS and OPHS are ready to fully implement this paperless submission process for all exempt level protocol submissions beginning July 1, 2009!
To submit an exempt protocol via Berkeley eProtocol go to:
Paper-based (hard copy) submissions of exempt applications received on or after July 1, 2009 will be returned to the investigator. OPHS encourages investigators who may be submitting their exempt applications in late June 2009 to use eProtocol instead of paper.
What is Exempt Research?
For information about what it means to qualify as exempt, categories, and examples of exempt research, see the CPHS Guidelines in Exempt Research at:
Question and Comments
If you have any questions or comments about the new Berkeley eProtocol system, please contact OPHS Director Rebecca Armstrong at or OPHS eProtocol project manager Maria Savage at
March 20 Research Advocate article: Berkeley eProtocol for Human Subjects Research Goes Live!