October 04, 2011

Campus Research Hub May Help Meet Sponsor Data Management Requirements

Research Hub is a new UC Berkeley web-based service for secure data storage and management and for collaboration, provided by Information Services and Technology (IST). Research Hub serves the entire campus community: individual scholars, project teams, and departments. The service can be used by anyone with a CalNet ID. Each account comes with 10 gigabytes of free storage, and additional storage and departmental accounts are available for purchase. Future enhancements include guest accounts for access to off-campus partners, and ability to migrate content to the UC3 Merritt preservation repository.

Researchers may be interested in using Research Hub for secure storage of data related to human subjects research. Research Hub may also help meet NSF and other sponsor requirements for data management, including dissemination channels for publishing and long-term preservation. Research Hub currently supports several common metadata schemas, and allows for new ones to be added to meet the demands of campus research.
