The National Science Foundation and UC Davis will be holding a one-day workshop on Thursday, April 25, 2013, from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm at the UC Davis Conference Center.
This NSF Day workshop is primarily designed for researchers and educators less experienced in proposing to the NSF; however, more experienced proposers and NSF grantees may well find the workshop useful and informative. The workshop will provide an overview of NSF, its mission, priorities, and budget. It will cover the NSF proposal and merit review process and NSF programs that cut across disciplines. Additionally, representatives from the seven NSF directorates and the Office of International Science and Engineering and the Office of Integrative Activities will make presentations on their programs and will also be available informally and in breakout sessions for discussions of potential research proposals.
Registration is limited, so please register early. There is a registration fee of $35. See NSF Day at the University of California, Davis for more information.