May 30, 2013

New NIH Electronic Forms (FORMS-C) for Applications Due on or after September 25

National Institutes of Health applications due on or after September 25 will use a new electronic forms package, FORMS-C.

For due dates on or after September 25, 2013, most applicants will be required to use FORMS-C packages, with exceptions below. The requirement includes electronic applications submitted under the continuous submission policy, administrative supplement requests (Type 3), change of organization requests (Type 6) and change of grantee/training institution requests (Type 7). Multiproject applications that are transitioning to electronic submission beginning with the September 25, 2013 due date will also use FORMS-C packages.

NIH Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) published between now and July that have submission due dates on or after September 25, 2013, will be posted without application packages. Beginning in July, the updated forms will be incorporated into new and existing FOAs.

  • Individual Research Career Development Award Programs (Ks), Institutional Training and Career Development Programs (Ts and Ds), and Individual National Research Service Awards (Fs) applicants will use FORMS-C packages for due dates on or after January 25, 2014.
  • Small Business programs (SBIR/STTR) applicants will transition to FORMS-C packages later in 2014.