The Sponsored Projects Office is renewing its commitment to providing a timely response to campus principal investigators (PIs) who submit proposals in accordance to the
Vice Chancellor for Research Five Day Proposal Submission Policy. To accomplish this goal, SPO is asking the campus community to renew its efforts to meeting the following proposal submission requirements established by the VCR:
- The proposal must be received by SPO at least five working days before the funding agency deadline or the deadline of the lead institution when UC Berkeley is a subrecipient.
- The proposal submitted to SPO must be complete. Incomplete proposals will be returned without SPO review.
This means that the proposal must be submitted “on time” and should not have any placeholders or missing sections. The PI may include a draft technical section (the narrative description of the proposed scope of work) as long as this section is marked, “Draft,” and all other administrative sections are in final form. See
Vice Chancellor for Research Policy on Late Proposal Submissions to SPO for a full description of the VCR’s policy.
Although deviations from policy are sometimes unavoidable, PIs are cautioned that when SPO does not have adequate time to review a complete proposal, the proposal is at much greater risk for submission failure, rejection without review, and low funding priority scores.