Thinking Outside the Box: Addressing the Challenges of Human Subject Research in 2008
Co-sponsored by University of California Davis and OHRP
Doubletree Hotel, Sacramento, CA
Friday, February 8, 2008
The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) in conjunction with the University of California Davis will be sponsoring a National Research Community Forum entitled, “Thinking Outside the Box: Addressing the Challenges of Human Subject Research in 2008,” on Friday, February 8, 2008, at the Doubletree Hotel in Sacramento California. Co-sponsors for this forum are the Northern California IRB Consortium Forum, the California State University Chancellor's Office, California State University Long Beach, the San Jose State University, and the California State University San Marcos.
This forum will focus on specific applications and interpretations of the regulations entitled, “Protecting Human Subjects” for conducting biomedical and behavioral research that is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services. The program will showcase experts from academia and the federal and state governments who will address unique aspects for balancing the principles of The Belmont Report in conjunction with federal and state laws and ensuring that the protection of human subjects in clinical trials is maximized. Representatives from the OHRP, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, Department of Education, and the Department of Defense will provide federal regulatory updates and clarification of key policy issues.
This forum should be of special interest to those persons currently serving or about to begin serving as a member of an IRB as well as institutional officials and administrators, principal investigators, legal counsel, research staff, patient advocates, research sponsors, public health officials, privacy officials, compliance officers, laypersons and sponsors and contract research professionals.
Visit the UCD web site at or contact Connie Koog at