The National Institutes of Health has reissued the NIH Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications. The reissued notice consolidates information from previous late submission notices and serves as a companion to NIH Guide Notice OD-08-026, a new plan for continuous submission of certain types of applications from appointed members of NIH Study Sections.
NIH is implementing an alternate plan for submission and review of research grant applications from appointed members of chartered NIH Study Sections in order to recognize their service and to minimize disincentives to Study Section service. The timing of Study Section meetings and most standard due dates for grant applications overlap, so reviewers are under pressure to review applications and prepare their own applications simultaneously. Beginning February 5, 2008, the alternate submission and review procedures, described in the NIH Guide Notice, will be available. This alternate process is limited to 1) appointed members of chartered standing Study Sections and 2) applications that would normally be received on standard submission dates but not special receipt dates.